2022 귀가 트이는 영어 61

2022년 2월 첫째주 리뷰

1/31 Benefits of Reading Bedtime Stories to Kids 1. give some precious time and attention 소중한 시간과 관심을 주다 Reading bedtime stories is a great way to give some precious time and attentions to your child. 2. enjoy the act of reading 독서를 즐기다 When parents read to their children, they encourage them to enjoy the act of reading. 3. an interactive experience 상호적인 체험 Make reading an interactive experience..

2022년 1월 마지막주 리뷰

1/24 The Benefits of E-books 1. in electronic format 전자 형태의 As the name suggests, e-books are books in electronic format. 2. take up less space in your home 가정 내에서 공간을 덜 차지한다. Not only are e-books delivered instantaneously, but they also take up less space in your home. 3. in the palm of your hand 수중에, 손바닥에 Now that you've got all those books in the palm of your hand, you're ready to hit the roa..