2022 귀가 트이는 영어

2022년 2월 첫째주 리뷰

삐약상 2022. 2. 5. 09:00

귀트영 22년 1월 31.mp3



1/31 Benefits of Reading Bedtime Stories to Kids

1. give  some precious time and attention 소중한 시간과 관심을 주다

Reading bedtime stories is a great way to give some precious time and attentions to your child.

2. enjoy the act of reading 독서를 즐기다

When parents read to their children, they encourage them to enjoy the act of reading.

3. an interactive experience 상호적인 체험

Make reading an interactive experience by letting your child guess what's next in the story.


귀트영 22년 2월 01.mp3




2/1 A Short Temper & What to Do About It

1. fly off the handle 버럭 화를 내다

They might fly off the handle at the slightest aggravation.

2. emotional growth and maturity 정서적 성장과 성숙함

One of the keys to managing one's anger is emotional growth and maturity.

3. manage anger constructively 건설적으로 분노를 관리하다

Conversely, young people from households that manage anger constructively are likely to emulate this habit later in life.


귀트영 22년 2월 02.mp3




2/2 The Popularity of Meal Kits in the U.S.

1. ramped up demand 수요를 증가시켰다

In turn, this ramped up demand for time-saving and convenient cooking solutions.

2. cut down on how often they eat out 외식 횟수를 줄이다

Overall, more than 83% of Americans believe that meal kits help them to cut down on how often they eat out.

3. diverse and interesting cuisines 다양하고 흥미로운 요리

Other benefits include reducing the time spent planning meals, reducing shopping trips, and exposing consumers to diverse and interesting cuisines.



귀트영 22년 2월 03.mp3




2/3 Habits of Highly Effective Students

1. learn how to study smarter 더 똑똑하게 공부하는 방법을 배우다

To become an effective student, you need to learn how to study smarter.

2. cram all your studying into the night before the test 시험 전날 밤에 모든 공부를 벼락치기로 하다

First, don't try to cram all your studying into the night before the test.

3. a consistent, daily study routine 일관된 매일의 학습 루틴

It's important you have a consistent, daily study routine.


귀트영 22년 2월 04.mp3




2/4 What Is Yoga?

1. has something to offer to everyone 누구에게나 유익할 수 있다

Although some people might think it's only for adults, yoga has something to offer to everyone.

2. remove any distractions 방해 요소를 모두 제거하다

Also, make sure to remove any deistractions, such as radios or televisions.

3. build up your flexibility 유연성을 키우다

Don't worry if it takes some time to bulid up your flexibility.