2022 귀가 트이는 영어

2022년 2월 둘째주 리뷰

삐약상 2022. 2. 12. 09:00

2/7 Good Dental Care

귀트영 22년 2월 07.mp3



1. tooth decay and gum disease 

In particular, tooth decay and gum disease are two important considerations, both of which are caused by plaque.

2. painful and unsightly 

Then, bacteria can cause the gums to become infected and swollen, which is both painful and unsightly.

3. with a soft-bristled toothbrush

Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush.



2/8 Cooking Basics Everyone Should Know

귀트영 22년 2월 08.mp3



1. time-consuming 

In fact, some cooking techniques are so time-consuming, you are better off not knowing them at all.

2. scrambling an egg 

Scrambling an egg should be the first cooking skill every person learns.

3. even if there's no heat involved 

If you're taking ingredients and turning them into a meal, that's cooking, even if there's no heat involved.



2/9 How to Drink Wine like an Expert

귀트영 22년 2월 09.mp3



1. help you appreciate the subject more

Having at least a general understanding of winemaking techniques and the words used to describe wine will help you appreciate the subject more as you continue to learn and experiment.

2. the crisp flavors

The crisp flavors of white wine can be muted when served too cold.

3. can taste overly acidic

On the other hand, red wines that are served too warm can taste overly acidic.



2/10 How Journaling Benefits Your Child

귀트영 22년 2월 10.mp3



1. express their ideas and thoughts

Many children feel better when they express their ideas and thoughts in a safe and non-judgmental place.

2. process their feelings

In short, a private journal can help children process their feelings.

3. select precise words 

On top of that, children have to draw from their vocabulaty bank to select precise words to communicate what they are thinking.



2/11 What to Ask Your Daughter's Boyfriend or Son's Girlfriend

귀트영 22년 2월 11.mp3



1. establish romantic relationships

One of these is when children begin to establish romantic relationships.

2. think on their feet

It can also show how well they can think on their feet as they try to come up with an answer on the fly.

3. responsible and trustworthy

If your child's new friend has a job, it's good sign that they are responsible and trustworthy.