2022 귀가 트이는 영어

2022년 1월 셋째주 리뷰

삐약상 2022. 1. 15. 09:00

귀트영 22년 1월 10.mp3



1/10 How to Become a Good Parent

1. boost your child's self-esteem 아이의 자존감을 높여 주다

First, do whatever you can to boost your child's self-esteem.

2. don't get enough attention 충분한 관심을 받지 못한다

Kids who don't get enough attention from their parents often act out to get the attention they crave.

3. make all the difference in the world 효과가 매우 크다

Even something as simple as a note in your kid's lunchbox can make all the difference in the world.



귀트영 22년 1월 11.mp3



1/11 Why Camping Is Rising in Popularity

1. the antidote to cabin fever 집에만 있어 느끼는 불안감에 대한 해독제

Camping might just be the antidote to cabin fever.

2. are reluctant to venture far from home 집으로부터 멀리 이동하기를 꺼린다

Also, since there are many camping grounds near cities, camping becomes ans attractive option for people who are reluctant to venture far from home.

3. well-equipped campsites 장비가 잘 갖춰진 캠핑장

For amateurs, the best option may be to try out well-equipped campsites, which provide almost everything you need.




귀트영 22년 1월 12.mp3



1/12 Pets Make for Healthier Babies

1. have a stronger immune system 면역력이 더 강하다

Research suggests that children who grow up with pets are likely to have a stronger immune system.

2. students with developmental disabilities 발달 장애가 있는 학생들

This is particularlly true of students with developmental disabilities.

3. become less anxious or withdrawn 불안감이나 수줍음이 해소된다

When this happens, they become less anxious or withdrawn.






귀트영 22년 1월 13.mp3



1/13 The Benefits of Social Media

1. manage their online reputation 인터넷상에서 자신의 평판을 관리하다

Therefore, it's in everyone's best interest to know how to manage their online reputation.

2. connect with like-minded people 생각이 맞는 사람들과 소통하다

Presenting your professional experience will provide more opportunities to connect with like-minded people.

3. posting quality content 양질의 콘텐츠를 게시하는

So if you are consistently posting quality content, more people will share it.




귀트영 22년 1월 14.mp3



1/14 How to Make a Successful Career Change

1. better work-life balance 더 나은 일과 삶의 균형

Examples include better pay, less stress, better work-life balance, seeking new challenges, or no longer being passionate about their field.

2. your core values and skills 자신의 핵심 가치관과 역량

Determine whether your core values and skills are addressed through your current career.

3. researh career options 커리어 선택지들을 조사한다.

When considering alternative careers, brainstorm ideas and research career options.